(+420) 234 244 324   adela.kalna@famu.cz

Final Examinations

The schedule and deadlines for registration for the final examinations, submission of practical work and thesis and the date of the final exam are available in the calendar of the academic year.

Final technical Examination 

Requirements for successful graduation from the Master’s CIN KK program:

The student completes the tasks stipulated by the study plan and passes the final state examination, consisting of the following components:

A) Master’s graduate project – art file including the following exercises:

  1. Anticorro with sound / not substitutable;  the only exception is due to the numbers of students
  2. Rainbow Exercise / not substitutable
  3. Joint Exercise with CDM / solely Short Fiction or Graduation Film, joint exercises with KR from year 3 up, or – upon consultation and approval – also with KAT. In cases where the student could not complete a Joint Exercise due to availability of directors, there is the option of submitting a Final Film with the mentor’s approval. 

B) Theory of Cinematography Work

C) TV and Film Technique and Technology 

Students who have completed the final examination will receive the degree of MgA.